On-line Products


Jack in. Connect up. Shoot the subconscious.

I'm into computers. Deep. Jacques Cousteau deep. In the wires, circuit boards, chips... I see a strange building in the distance. The sky is all Halloween orange and the air smells electric. I will the building to move to me, and it takes me in. Deep. A voice like metal screeches, "VIRUS ALERT!" What the hell is that!?


An on-line experience that combines the action of a 3D shooter with the skill of a strategy game, CITADELS plunges players into the futuristic world of the Open Net. As a Netrunner, you search out vulnerable Citadels to conquer and control. Create your Citadel at your own risk because the Netrunners are out there...

Available for publication.


Citadels is a trademark of The Dreamers Guild, Inc.
Page copyright © 1996 The Dreamers Guild, Inc.