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This ain't a game, it's war.

"I was standing in a field of mud holding a small swine. Across from me were a barnyard full of bulls, chickens, horses, and goats. The horse spoke up and said if I didn't give them the little pig, they would take it by force. I looked into the little pig's eyes which were filled with tears. With that, I tucked him under my arm and stormed toward the animals. I tore through them all and finally faced the bull. With a whirlwind move I dodged him, climbed the fence, and placed the little pig next to his mother sow. All of the other animals applauded as I walked back to the field, and sank into the mud." 1

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An on-line sports experience that gives the player the opportunity to buy and coach his own football team. No longer "armchair" quarterbacks, GRID IRON participants can create their own football dynasties. Buy and trade players, even call plays on the field. GRID IRON will give players the satisfaction of owning their own team without having to worry about season ticket holders!

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GridIron is a trademark of The Dreamers Guild, Inc.
Page copyright © 1996 The Dreamers Guild, Inc.