On-line Products


Don't look down.

I'm on the deck of a huge ship. I think I'm the captain, but I'm not sure. I look over the railing, expecting to see the vast blue-green of the ocean beneath me. Instead, I see bright red clouds, and realize there's nothing beneath me but air. Then the real panic sets in -

-- no airsickness bags!

The look and feel of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells comes to life as the Player rides the skies of Venus in his Windclad. As captain of this magnificent vessel, you can clash with other players, or join forces to establish yourselves as the most powerful warlords on the planet. Pilot your ship across the face of an alien world and meet the challenges of a highly-charged political and militaristic atmosphere. Anyone with a taste for the true Golden Age of science-fiction and fantasy will enjoy what this on-line game has to offer.

Available for Publication


Windriders is a trademark of The Dreamers Guild, Inc.
Page copyright © 1996 The Dreamers Guild, Inc.