Blog Archives from before January 1, 2020
Happy Leap Day!
February 29, 2008 - Joe Pearce
Allison has provided updated portraits for Rif, Rhene and Sandy,
plus a new portrait of the current villian, Rufi the Otter.
Things to Report and Happy New Year!
January 4, 2008 - Joe Pearce
Today's classic sketch is from the archeology section
of Inherit the Earth history. Please take a look.
Allison visited SoCal during the holidays, and she and I were able to complete the basic plotting
for the rest of the current story, "Little Wolf Lost." You might say, "Huh? Don’t you know
what the story is?" Well, yes, but some secondary plot elements hadn’t been nailed down yet.
This doesn’t mean that the rest of the plot has been broken down into individual strips.
We prefer to do that in clumps (chapters in a sense).
One of the more interesting, upcoming chapters (at least to me) is a multi-strip flashback
to the original game where we will reveal some unseen background action. I hope it will explain a thing or two.
A reminder: we will have a table at Further Confusion (Jan. 25-27 in San Jose, CA) where you can buy stuff from us. We know you want to...
Contest Over (Sorta)
December 21, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Today was the last day to submit fan art/story entries for this year.
We will be announcing the winners sometime in January 2008.
Also, today's classic sketch is the last update (comic or sketch) until New Years Day.
Finally, I and Allison would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season!
"It's Alive!"
December 7, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Finally, I have posted a new classic sketch. As I mentioned previously, the laptop computer
I use to scan images died. Well, it turned out that just the hard drive was toasted. Below is
a picture of my laptop disassembled awaiting its new drive. (It was out of warranty, so I did the repairs myself.)
In convention news we will have a table at Further Confusion (Jan. 25-27 in San Jose, CA). We will have
copies of the game, comic book, T-shirt and other wares for sale.
A reminder that we will be picking fan art/story
winners soon. You should post your entries by December 21st.
"It's Dead, Jim"
November 21, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The computer that is used to perform scans here died a week or so ago, which is why there haven't
been any classic sketches posted recently -- this upcoming Friday included. Hopefully things will be
resolved by December.
Various Topics
November 9, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Mama Bear has been added to the cast of characters page.
We are probably going to select some additional fan art/story winners before the end of the year.
So you may want to check the rules and then get your muse working.
October 26, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Inherit the Earth® is now a registered trademark. So, many little R's in circles will be appearing
on this site as pages get updated.
The Cat Is Out of the Bag
October 5, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Some of our forum members have managed to find the teaser page for
Inherit the Earth 2. I have decided to come clean
and acknowledge the page does exist. When work of the sequel gets more serious, that site will have
a development blog to keep our fans up-to-date about the status of the project.
Please note the word tentative at the bottom of the teaser.
More Contest Honorable Mentions
September 28, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Instead of a classic sketch update, I have produced some additional
honorable mentions from the recent Caption Contest. Please take a look.
Also, the picture of the poster from last week can be found on the
same page as Alicia Austin's cover art scan.
Sort of a Classic Sketch Update
September 14, 2007 - Joe Pearce
While looking through my storage unit, I discovered an old poster created by New World Computing
to promote Inherit the Earth at E3 in 1994 (I think). A scan of the poster can be found below. The text
is hard to read, so I have transcribed it. (Yellow text on a light-colored background? Design check please.)
The most amusing bit is "Huge 3-D Maps" — things have changed in 13 years...
Inherit the Earth Quest for the Orb
- Breathtaking Scenery
- Unforgettable Characters
- Huge 3-D Maps
- Beautiful Original Soundtrack
- Exciting Story
- Intriguing Puzzles
Come to a place of unbridled wonder and unspoiled beauty: Earth! To the Morph, Humans live only in legends, but their legacy remains. Accompany Rif, a heroic fox who must journey far from home to uncover the mystery of an ancient, yet powerful human artifact. With thrilling graphics, sounds, story, and an easy-to-use interface, Inherit the Earth will provide hours of challenge and enjoyment for the whole family.
Inherit the Earth: A New Breed of Adventure
A Somber Day
September 11, 2007 - Joe Pearce
I thought about skipping the update today given it being the anniversary of the terrorist attacks
six years ago, but a little humor is not a bad thing on a day like today.
Back from Nippon
September 4, 2007 - Joe Pearce
No accounting for jet lag, though.
Hello from Nippon
August 28, 2007 - Joe Pearce
I am attending Worldcon in Yokohama, Japan this week. So, there will be no classic sketch this week.
Allison and her husband are also attending the con. You might think this will cause an additional delay in
new strips, but not so. Allison has been drawing new strips during her "break," so she can really take time-off
during her vacation in Japan.
And the Winners Are...
August 22, 2007 - Joe Pearce
We have picked two "winners" -- an "out-of-continuity" and "in-continuity" winner.
The out-of-continuity winner is from "Catbunny" whose entry will be displayed on the
main page until strip #113 is posted next week. The other co-winner is "cairn destop"
whose entry we posted on August 7th. His entry will be the final strip #112 and will take that
position next week. Congratulations to the winners.
We will also be awarding entries as honorable mentions.
These entries plus the winners will appear on a permanent 2007 Caption Contest page that will be created sometime soon.
Contest Update #4
August 22, 2007 - Joe Pearce
We're still considering which caption entry to declare the "winner." We have narrowed it down to two.
We are also thinking about honorable mentions. One issue is that we would like the winning entry to either
fit into the continuity of the story or be completely out of continuity. Many entries included an off-stage
comment by Rif, which doesn't really work in continuity. Oh, well.
Contest Update #3
August 14, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Here is another entry for the caption contest. Actually, this particular reader sent a number of suggestions —
this was the shortest one. I modified the text slightly by dropping the "not" from the first line.
Taking a different tact, another reader (Wolfie Inu) decided to translate
a earlier strip (#108) into Afrikaans!
Contest Update #2
August 7, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The Caption Contest continues. Details can be found in the blog entries below.
The first entry we received was from "cairn destop," a frequent poster on our forums. It is the only entry (yet) that is totally narration and not thoughts or dialogue (or at least that's how I read it). The entry is an honorable mention... and could still be the winner.
Contest Update #1
July 31, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The Caption Contest continues. Details can be found in the blog entry below. There is now a
forum topic with a discussion about the contest.
I have received about a dozen entries so far. To the person that asked: Adding no balloons is not a valid entry :)
Summer Break and a Contest!
July 25, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The prior week’s strip (#111) was the last strip of Part 2 of our current story,
Little Wolf Lost. Allison has decided to take a few weeks off before continuing on to Part 3,
but before doing so she provided an extra strip. This strip has no balloons, because we would like you to
provide Sandy’s current thoughts.
Yes, it’s a contest! Send us your idea for what is on Sandy’s mind.
The best entries will be posted here for everyone’s enjoyment. Alternately, you can pick any earlier strip
and provide alternate dialogue. Or, if you are an artist, send us a strip of your own design based on Inherit the Earth (the game or comic strip).
Please send in your entry by August 19, as I will be posting the final best entries on August 21.
I will also be posting interesting entries in the weeks before to the final date.
Please provide your name and email address with your entry.
We do want to credit the authors of best entries — you are welcome to provide a pseudonym to use
for the credit instead of your real name.
There will be no classic sketch update this week as I am off to attend Comic-Con.
Below is a version of the contest strip without the notice in the last panel.
Legal goop: All contest entries become the property of The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co.
The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. reserves the right to change or cancel the contest at any time with notice on this page.
(If you would prefer another arrangement, please talk to us before sending your entry!)
Back from the Cons
July 20, 2007 - Joe Pearce
I had an enjoyable trip to the Bay Area and Pittsburgh. Sales at Anthrocon were fairly brisk,
and I had a chance to chat with both Bill Holbrook (Kevin and Kell)
and Amber Williams (Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures).
But it is good to be back home - even with a slight head cold.
Upcoming Convention and Other Stuff
June 27, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. will have a table an Anthrocon
this year, and I will be selling the company’s various Inherit-the-Earth-related products
(software, comic book, T-shirts, etc.) The Dealer’s Room at the con will be open July 6-8.
Come by, say "Hi," and buy things.
Westercon is the same week as Anthrocon,
and I will be attending that con too! Allison is also attending Westercon, so there will be no
new strip or sketch the week of July 4th. There will be a new classic sketch this Friday.
Not a "Classic" "Sketch", per se
June 15, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Although not a classic sketch, I thought that some of you might like some background information on the cover art for
Inherit the Earth Adventurers Guide.
Some Classic Sketch Updates
May 18, 2007 - Joe Pearce
First update: It appears the before Rif was named Rif, he was named Ren.
I will be adding a section about the 1992 design document where this tidbit of information appears
sometime soon. I don't know if the character was named Ren as far back as
this drawing.
Second update: I received an email this week from Eric Blumrich, one of tha game's concept artists. He was
able to confirm that he was the author of the Orb of Building drawing.
Another Milestone - Issue #1
May 1, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The first issue of the Inherit the Earth comic book is now available! You can purchase a copy from
this page.
Major Milestone - It's Strip #100!
April 24, 2007 - Joe Pearce
The posting of strip #100 is just one of a number of milestones and events of interest in the next
few weeks. Before I get to the other items, I and Allison would like to once again thank all our readers
for their continuing support in this storytelling endeavor.
Inherit the Earth #1, a collection of the first 54 strips in comic book form, is currently being printed
and will go on sale next week. Check back then for information on how to order your copy.
Finally, The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. will have a table at Califur.III, a convention taking place
in Costa Mesa, CA from May 4-6. I will be there selling the company’s various Inherit the Earth related
products including the comic book.
Be a Sponsor
April 13, 2007 - Joe Pearce
I would like to welcome our new sponsor, the Psi Morphs role-playing game.
I encourage you to check out the game's site!
You too can sponsor Inherit the Earth. Click the button on the right side of this page to request more info.
Classic Sketch Thumbnail Page Reorganized
April 6, 2007 - Joe Pearce
It looks like there is eventually going to be a lot of Ed Lacabanne's storyboard art appearing in
the "classic sketches" section of the site. So, I have moved the storyboards to their own group
on the thumbnail page.
No Fooling Here
April 1, 2007 - Joe Pearce
We're too busy finalizing the first Inherit the Earth comic book to "celebrate" April 1st.
Web site mutations from previous years can be found here: 2006 and 2005.
Earliest Known Concept Art
March 23, 2007 - Joe Pearce
If you don't normally look at the classic sketches we post on (most) Fridays, you may want to make an exception
and view two previous/a>
drawings, as these are the earliest known pieces of concept art for the game. The next older pieces are of
a male and female Elk,
also drawn by Lisa Sample.
On The Subject of Tuesday
March 13, 2007 - Joe Pearce
For the next few weeks the so-called Tuesday update of the strip will be happening very late on Tuesday.
Many of you may find it is already Wednesday when the strip is posted.
This schedule will probably continue for a few weeks.
You have been warned! (Imagine an ominous organ chord being played in the background here.)
Fan Art Winners
February 9, 2007 - Joe Pearce
I would like to congratulate our latest fan art contest winners: Gaël Orliange and "Rif Fox". You can view
their winning entries here.
You could be a winner too. Read the contest rules
and start drawing, writing, sewing, etc.
Issue #1 and New Wallpapper
February 2, 2007 - Joe Pearce
We are inching forward on our plans to print the first set of strips as a comic book. We are targeting sometime
in April as the publishing date. There will be more details as the date looms nearer.
Below is a mock-up of the cover to issue #1. This is not the final cover — Allie is adding some clouds.
There is also a new wallpaper tip gift.

Upcoming Convention, etc.
January 9, 2007 - Joe Pearce
Wyrmkeep Entertainment will have a dealer's table at Further Confusion 2007 in San Jose (January 18 to 22).
We will be selling our wares all three days that the dealer's room is open, although we won't actually be in the
dealer's room — we will be just outside in the so-called Artists Alley. Allison Hershey will be at
the table on Saturday and possibly other days (Friday?).
This is the week of Allison's move to Santa Cruz. The move, plus continuing car problems, has left her with no
time to do a strip. Sigh.
Finally, there will be no classic sketch updates for the next two weeks.
A Tale of Woe
December 20, 2006 - Allison Hershey
Here is a rather long blog entry for those of you who are interested in why there was no update on the strip this week. I wish it was as simple as "my dog ate my homework," but it is rather more involved, and sadder, than that. You see, my car ate my time.
It seemed like a good car when I bought it in October. After living 5 months without one (my old Camry was demolished by a hit and run driver), I found a 1998 Subaru Legacy that seemed in very good condition. I paid the local Subaru dealer to check it out before I paid the private party for it. They said it was in good shape, though a little high in the miles.
The "check engine" light came on the next day. I went to two different mechanics, neither of whom could find anything wrong. They reset the indicator light. I had the timing belt replaced and a general tune-up, just to be safe, since the previous owner didn't know when she had replaced it before. I also had a leaking steering pump replaced. My mechanic announced the car "in great shape." I was another thousand dollars poorer, but the car ran quite smoothly after that. For about 2 weeks.
10 days ago, as I was preparing for a trip to my future home near Santa Cruz (400 miles from Los Angeles), my car alarm armed itself and couldn't be shut off. I was stranded. I spent several days looking for a place that would even look at it before Christmas. There was only one place in Southern California, a Subaru Dealer 30 miles away in Irvine. I managed to get the car over there, and a week later they had it ready. Though I had asked them only to fix the alarm, they warned me that all kinds of things were wrong with the engine and if I didn't have a major overhaul right away I would be in trouble. I was suspicious, so I retrieved my car and had my regular mechanic look at it. He found nothing seriously wrong, but now the engine was running a little rough and I needed to keep an eye on it.
All this calling around and fetching my car (I had to make several trips to Irvine) forced me to put off my regular work, Christmas shopping, packing, and work on the comic strip. But I still had a couple of days left to work on the strip when I got up north. I had a possible job interview waiting when I got up there, too.
Saturday afternoon I left for Santa Cruz. It took 45 minutes to get my car to start, the first time it had ever had trouble doing so. I got as far as Burbank, about 30 miles. Then the temperature gauge climbed quickly into the red zone. I pulled over and waited awhile, found it didn't help, and crept about 2 miles to my friend's house nearby.
On Monday we took it to her mechanic. He pronounced a blown head gasket, caused by a defective cooling fan. It is a minimum of $1500 to fix. If the engine block was warped (he'd find that out when replacing the head gasket) it would be $5400 for a rebuilt engine. Plus labor. And he wouldn't be able to fix it until after the New Year.
It would cost me as much to replace the engine as the car cost me in the first place. And I had borrowed most of my money to buy the car. This time around I am broke, jobless, and have maxed out my credit line.
I had someone pick me up and take me back to Long Beach Tuesday afternoon. There went my deadlines, my Christmas shopping, my moving, my potential job.
This is my tale of woe. If I wrote all the details it would be twice as long to tell. I could have boiled it down to "I had car trouble all week and now I have no car." But that didn't explain why it took up so much of my time. I'm working hard now to catch up, and will do my best to have a strip ready next Tuesday.
Note from Joe: Thanks to all of you that donated!
A Little Context
November 28, 2006 - Joe Pearce
The middle two panels of today's strip may seem a little odd to those of our readers that haven't played
the Inherit the Earth computer game. The screenshot below may help explain the bit of whimsy in this strip.
At this point in the game Rif is talking to the Forest King, and the player has to make the choice of what to do next.
Child's Play
November 14, 2006 - Joe Pearce
One of our favorite charities is Child's Play,
an organization that donates toys, games, books
and cash for sick kids in children's hospitals across North America and other countries. Their 2006 donation
drive has just started, and you can learn more by clicking the banner below.
Preparing for Moving Day
October 24, 2006 - Allison Hershey
Lots of upheaval behind the scenes this month. My fiance and I are moving 400 miles away to Santa Cruz.
Actually, my fiance (Glenn) is moving at the end of this week. And all my stuff (computer excluded) will
be moving too. I will go up for the weekend, but come back to the Los Angeles area to camp out until the
end of December. After that, Joe and I will be collaborating long distance.
It's going to be quite a feat to complete a strip this week while packing and directing movers,
driving, and sorting things as they come out of the truck on the other end. No sleep for me, I'm afraid.
Seeing Double
September 22, 2006 - Joe Pearce
Today's classic sketch is a black-and-white version of a color sketch of the Dog Castle we posted in April.
See this updated page for additional details.
International Talk Like A Pirate Day [info]
September 19, 2006 - Joe Pearce
Ahoy, here is today's strip ready for the high seas. Aye, me parrot concurs.
Artist Upgrade
September 15, 2006 - Allison Hershey
I have been upgrading my artist tools lately. I've recently acquired Photoshop CS2.
It works a little differently than my old version and will take some getting used to.
But there is greater flexibility and a lot of neat new tools to work with.
My friends and family pitched in and ordered me a brand new (and larger) Wacom digital drawing tablet for my birthday.
I also received a 19 inch flat screen monitor from a very generous colleague.
It's going to be a real pleasure to work on the comic strip now.
Oh yes, one other useful present. Joe gave me Scott McCloud's new book, Making Comics.
It's about time I learned how to draw them.
Late Strip Again
September 5, 2006 - Joe Pearce
This time around I will be responcible for a late strip. I'm off
to Austin, Texas for a game conference, so posting a new strip will be basd on my free time while
Update 1: Strip is up, although the sepia toning is off -- GIMP vs. Photoshop again. This will be fixed when I return from Austin.
Update 2: Back from Austin. The strip has been color-corrected. Also, I'm sorry there has been no
new classic sketches for the last two weeks. There will definitely be one next Friday.
A Hectic Week
August 29, 2006 - Joe Pearce (Updated August 31)
The posting of strip #68 will be delayed a day or two while Allie recovers from helping to run
L.A.Con IV, this year's World Science Fiction Convention.
Update from Allison: Here it is. cough cough. sniff. Fall over.
Fan Art & Fiction Forum Plus Contest
August 11, 2006 - Joe Pearce
The new Inherit the Earth Fan Art/Fiction forum
is now open. You are welcome to post your art and stories based on the game or the comic,
although you should follow the guidelines found in the
"Welcome" post in the forum.
There is a second purpose for this new forum -- it is the repository for entries in an ongoing Fan Art
contest. Rules can be found in the aforementioned post.
Going to the Dogs
July 25, 2006 - Joe Pearce
For the next few weeks the classic sketches will almost exclusively be related to the Dog tribe.
We will also be revealing some previously unpublished information about the various Dog characters
that appeared in the original game.
Last week we revealed that the name of the Poodle from Prince's "harem" is
Annabelle. That name comes from the original design document written in 1993.
The Story Continues
July 12, 2006 - Joe Pearce
We have returned to our regularly scheduled story and artist.
Allison and I would once again like to thank J.L. Anderson
for her work on the "Okk and Eeah Show" strips.
Guest strips (again)
June 23, 2006 - Joe Pearce [UPDATED: June 25, 2006]
The logistics problem with the guest strips have been resolved. The strips have been reordered
so all the guest strips will be together. Sorry for the confusion.
I and Allison will be attending Conzilla (this year's Westercon) in San Diego over the
July 4th weekend. We will be appearing on a number of panels -- even one together! Our schedules
are listed in this announcement
in the forums.
Or if you see either of us wandering around the con,
please stop and say Hi!
Scary 6/6/06 Day - Boo!
June 6, 2006 - Joe Pearce
First, status report: This and next week's strips are in the "standard" continuity.
Those will then be followed by the guest strips.
Second, we and GoPets are donating the following item
to the Anthrocon charity auction: four plushies and a 3 month
premium subscription to the GoPets virtual pet community game.
Aren't they cute...
Guest Strips
May 16, 2006 - Joe Pearce
I would like to introduce J.L. Anderson (,
who will be our guest artist for the next few weeks. Allision will be using the time to
draw the cover to the first Inherit the Earth comic book, which will collect all the strips
up to #54.
We also have decided on the title for the current story: Little Wolf Lost.
Upcoming Convention
April 28, 2006 - Joe Pearce
Wyrmkeep Entertainment will have a dealer's table at Califur (May 5-7 in Costa Mesa, CA).
I will be there all weekend, while Allison will be there only on Saturday.
Please come by and say "Hi!"
Back from Korea
April 14, 2006 - Joe Pearce
I'm back from Korea where I was visiting the offices of GoPets,
a company that publishes an online, multi-user virtual pet game. Wyrmkeep Entertainment does
consulting work for GoPets, so occationally I need to "sync-up" by being there in person.
Also, the last two strips have been re-processed to get the sepia toning right.
April 2, 2006 - Joe Pearce
We have resolved the problem the website was having yesterday.
It appears that the Flux Capacitor module of the web server was overheating.
It's amazing how a few good whacks with a big wrench will fix a Flux Capacitor.
One unfortunate side-effect is that there is no new classic sketch -- check back on April 7th.
Soliciting Wallpaper Suggestions
March 28, 2006 - Allison Hershey
I am seeking suggestions for who or what should be the subject of the next donation gift wallpaper.
You can send your idea through the comment page
or email it to
GIMP Today
March 21, 2006 - Joe Pearce
The sepia toning of today's strip is a little different because GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program)
was used for the final processing
instead of Photoshop. I'm out of town as the Game Developers Conference, and my PowerBook doesn't have Photoshop
on it. The result is close enough for now...
Update - Switched to Photoshop version - compare the results here.
Some Slight Changes
March 17, 2006 - Joe Pearce
Who's Talking Now: Posts here will now indicate whether Joe or Allison is speaking.
Strip Number: For those who want to comment on or (harangue about) a particular strip, the number
of each strip is now displayed at the bottom of the page.
Prologue to Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb
February 14, 2006
Some of you may have wondered why the cover art and the manual for Wyrmkeep Entertainment's
re-release of Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb is different from the original release.
Well, the cover art and parts of the manual were directly paid for or generated by the original
publisher. Wyrmkeep Entertainment only acquired those rights owned by the original developer,
The Dreamers Guild. (That was the most important part, the software :)
Recently a draft of the manual was discovered in our archives, which can be used to determine
what parts of the manual were written by The Dreamers Guild and so reprintable by us.
So, I am happy to say that the original text Prologue to the game is now available for your
perusal in the Archives page.
Late Strip
February 1, 2006
Allison battled through her cold and produced this week's strip just a little late.
Update: I have changed Rif's reply to Sandy in panel one to show that their
conflict from the prior strip has not been resolved.
See, the forums are useful :)
Upcoming Conventions
January 10, 2006 (Updated)
We will be selling Inherit the Earth merchandise (computer game, music CD, prints, etc.) at
these upcoming conventions:
• Further Confusion, Jan. 20-22, Doubletree Hotel, San Jose, CA
• Anime Los Angeles, Jan. 27-29, Airtel Plaza Hotel, Van Nuys, CA
Allison Hershey, the artist behind the comic strip, will be attending the cons (although
only confirmed for the Saturday at both events).
Below are thumbnails of some of the prints we'll be selling. They should be available
for purchase online in February.
The New Look Web Site
January 3, 2006
Happy New Year!
And Happy New Inherit the Earth Web Site!!
We asked Bradley W. Schenck, the designer
of The Labyrinth of Time, to provide
a new look for the site. We think it's quite nice.
Fan Art Contest Winners
November 23, 2005
The winners in Wyrmkeep Entertainment's Fan Art Contest have been selected. Two of the winning entries were based on
Inherit the Earth:
Best Artwork: Anthony Rojas for Manga Rif
Most Humorous: Richard Caballero for Red Mountain Pass
Congratulations to the winners!
Holiday Charities and Good Works
November 22, 2005
We are providing links to a couple of good causes for this holiday season.
The first is Child's Play, a charity which provides video games and
consoles to childrens hospitals in the US, Canada and the UK. The second is a link to a site that lists organizations
that help to find good homes for sick, injured and abused Pug Dogs.
One pug that already has a good home is Winnie, Allison's dog.
Convention Schedule, Fall 2005
October 4, 2005
The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co. will be selling games, guides and other goodies at two upcoming conventions:
• Conifur Northwest, Oct. 20-22, Sea-Tac, WA
• Midwest Furfest, Nov. 18-20, Schaumburg, IL
Please visit our table at in the Dealer's Room. We will have some special items that we will only be selling at these conventions.
Fan Art Contest & Anniversary
September 7, 2005
September is the 3rd Anniversary of The Wyrmkeep Entertainment Co., and we've decided to have some special events this month.
One such event is a Fan Art Contest. We will be awarding prizes in four categories, two of which involve
art based on Inherit the Earth. Click the link to read the contest rules.
July 26, 2005
There will be no new strips for a few weeks while we are on vacation. The next new strip will probably
appear on August 23. Also, new sketches will not be posted for a few weeks after this Friday's illustration.
Both Allision Hershey (the strip's artist/co-writer) and Joe Pearce (co-writer) will be attending
the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in Scotland from 8/4 to 8/8. They will be appearing on a number
of panels at the con -- here are their schedules:
Allison Hershey
- 8/5 Friday 11:00am Digital Dreams
- 8/6 Saturday 2:00pm Trouble in Tri-D
- 8/7 Sunday 1:00pm Collaborating Magic
Joe Pearce
- 8/5 Friday 11:00am Game Design: You've Read It, Could You Play It?
- 8/7 Sunday 5:00pm Getting a Game from Idea to Marketplace
- 8/8 Monday 2:00pm SF and Computer Games
May 3, 2005
We would like to thank everyone who visited our table at Califur.1. It was good to hear from those that
were already following the strip, and we enjoyed spreading the word to both existing fans of the original game and
others who discovered Inherit the Earth for the first time. We would also like to thank
Robert McNally, one of the co-designers of the game, for helping
out on Friday.
A Brief Note on Strip #5
April 19, 2005
This is the first strip where a location from the original game is revisited.
As a lark Allison decided to use the same point-of-view of the ferret village as in the game (see screenshot).
Back to the "Real" Universe
April 2, 2005
After Friday's sojourn into a pitiful, alternate universe, we now return to our regularly-scheduled universe.
Welcome to Inherit the Earth comic strip
March 22, 2005
Today we present the introductory comic strip in a new serialized story that takes place
in the lands first introduced in the computer game Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb.
In the following weeks we will acquaint you with Rif the Fox and his companion Rhene, their fellow Morph
-- some old friends, others new -- and an emerging threat to their society.